28 April 2016

April 16 Newsletter: FieldscapesVR and Datascape Beta released

In this latest issue of the Daden Newsletter we are proud to announce:

  • The release of a demo of FieldscapesVR onto the Android Play Store. You can use this with or without a Google Cardboard VR headset to have a virtual walk (or fly) through Carding Mill Valley - a site used by lots of schools for Geography field trips and using an accurate model of the whole 2km x 2km area. Just search "fieldscapes" on Android Play Store to find it, and it's FREE!
  • The launch of the Beta of Datascape2XL, our 2nd generation 3D immersive data visualisation platform. Sign up for the beta invite list now!

We also have:

  • A call for participation in a survey on photosphere virtual reality apps, to both provide us with some market insight but also for a course project for one of our staff. Take the survey today! We also provide some background to our first PhotospheresVR project at iCentrum.
  • A look at the three different types of Virtual Reality application that we are seeing in the market, and an idea of their pros and cons.

Read the newsletter now!

April 16 Newsletter: FieldscapesVR and Datascape beta released

In this latest issue of the Daden Newsletter we are proud to announce: 

  • The release of a demo of FieldscapesVR onto the Android Play Store. You can use this with or without a Google Cardboard VR headset to have a virtual walk (or fly) through Carding Mill Valley - a site used by lots of schools for Geography field trips and using an accurate model of the whole 2km x 2km area. Just search "fieldscapes" on Android Play Store to find it, and it's FREE! 
  • The launch of the Beta of Datascape2XL, our 2nd generation 3D immersive data visualisation platform. Sign up for the beta invite list now!

We also have: 

  • A call for participation in a survey on photosphere virtual reality apps, to both provide us with some market insight but also for a course project for one of our staff. Take the survey today! We also provide some background to our first PhotospheresVR project at iCentrum. 
  • A look at the three different types of Virtual Reality application that we are seeing in the market, and an idea of their pros and cons.

Read the newsletter now!

25 April 2016

FieldscapesVR on Android Play Store!


On 25th April we launched our initial FieldscapeVR app for Android and Google Cardboard. This is very much a teaser for the final Fieldscapes application, but is also potentially a useful tool for tutors and students in its own right as it lets you take a virtual walk (and fly) through and around the Carding Mill Valley in the Long Mynd in Shropshire, England. This valley is heavily used by school groups doing field studies.

We hope that the Virtual Reality tour will be used:

  • to help them get a better idea of the valley before they go,
  • as a “virtual drone” whilst in the valley to get to places they haven’t time to visit, and to improve their sense of context, during a visit
  • after the visit to place their analysis in context, and to use as an exam revision aid.
  • 2girlscardboard.png

    The current version has no learning content as such, but this will be in the final version. The application can be used without a VR Headset in a normal "single-screen" mode but we recommend buying an Amazon Cardboard to get the full benefit (and it makes it a lot easier to use out on the ground in bright sunlight!). If you do need a headset, ensure that you get one which has a button or trigger, as that is (currently) required to use the app in VR mode!

    To download a copy of the app onto your Android smartphone just search for “fieldscapes" or "fieldscapesvr” on the Play Store.

    We’d love to hear how you get on with the app!

    Later versions of the application, and the final version, will overlay teacher-defined educational content onto the model, guiding students through a virtual geography or biology field trip, or better understanding the physical or social history of the valley. The desktop version features far better landscape graphics, which we have had to reduce in quality in order to get better performance on standard smartphones.

    The application is very much intended as a "beta" of the final product, so we'd be delighted to hear your views.

    The web page is at: http://daden.co.uk/conc/trainingscapes/fieldscapes/fieldscapesvr-google-cardboard

    The Facebook group is at: https://www.facebook.com/Fieldscapes-907277346045945/

    The Support and Discussion forum is at: http://daden.co.uk/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=8

    The Support Wiki is at: https://dadenwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FIEL/FieldscapesVR

    21 April 2016

    Imperial College Engineer - VR without the Hype


    Imperial College has published a version of our VR Without the Hype white paper in their Imperial College Engineer magazine. You can download a copy of the article (pdf). You can also visit the Imperial Engineer web site and read the whole magazine.

    Our thanks to the editorial team at Imperial Engineer for making this possible. Imperial College is David's alma mater.

    20 April 2016

    Geological Society Higher Education Network: Virtual Worlds Workshop


    The Geological Society's Higher Education Network is holding a workshop on Virtual Worlds in Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES )Teaching - Games or Reality on 14th June 2016 in Leeds. We'll be attending and support the event, which is being co-convened by Tom Argles from the OU - one of our partners in the Fieldscapes project.

    To quote from the flyer:

    "This workshop is aimed at anyone interested in developing, adapting or using virtual worlds in GEES education. We would like to build a strong community of educators at all levels who support virtual worlds; to share our knowledge and pool our resources. We would also like to explore the potential for forming partnerships to pursue funding opportunities for developing content, learning materials, delivery platforms and hosting infrastructure. Exploration of ideas around virtual reality and blends of other technologies is also on the agenda."

    "Disclaimer: This is not about replacing fieldwork in the curriculum, but how virtual worlds can introduce, support, enhance, extend, revise and promote the whole field experience."

    "The workshop will include time in the School of Earth and Environment’s Visualisation Lab to explore the different virtual worlds already being used in the geosciences."

    If you'd like to attend the event then there are more details on the Geological Society web site event page.

    15 April 2016

    Visualising GPS Data

    As part of getting the Datascape Wiki ready we've begun to work our way through the various demo datasets and workspaces which will be included with the application. First up is the GPS dataset and workspace.


    This shows one the car driving of one of our team into our offices in central Birmingham. The map is Open Street Map - dynamically browsed to show the right area - and then the vertical dimension is mapped to altitude, and the colour is related to speed (blue = slow, red=fast).

    We'll show some other variations on this in later posts.

    If you want a sneak peak at the Wiki please do.